Sermons from February 2023

Sermons from February 2023

Greed and Generosity

Greed and Generosity Last week Nehemiah posted guards around the city to defend from his enemies, This week he deals with an even greater threat within the walls of the city.   Have you ever noticed that the greatest threats are always from within?  The greatest threat to the Israelites, (both before and after the exile) was their own sins.  Not some outside invader.  The greatest threat to Rome was from within.  The greatest threat to America is not Russia, or…

The Sword and The Trowel

What is a sword for? Fighting.  What is a trowel for? For building.  That is what is happening in Nehemiah 4 this morning. The sword and the trowel are the tools by which we accomplish our tasks. Charles Spurgeon and the metropolitan tabernacle had a publication, a magazine, in the 1800’s titled the Sword and the Trowel.  Its primary aims were twofold. 1 to defend the truth of God’s word against false teaching.   And 2.  To build up the…

The Good Work of God

Nehemiah 3:1-32 The Importance of Work The Ordinary VS Extraordinary Ordinary life takes up most of our days. (Wake up, Scale, Weep bitterly, take a shower, Eat breakfast, Work for 8-10 hours, Come home, make dinner, go to bed) “I just wish God would show up”  He is there! Where?  I wish we could be a part of the book of ACTS! (12 miracles in 30 years) (800 days between each miracle)  (even Jesus spent 90% of his life as…

If It Pleases The King

Nehemiah 2:1-20 Who was Artaxerxes? It Doesn’t Matter Who You Work For, You Work For Jesus Nehemiah had prayed, fasted, and wept for 3 months Vs 5 – Rebuild the wall.  Nehemiah was not only asking the king for a favor, he was asking the king to overturn his own foreign policy, which we read about in Ezra 4.  He was asking the king to change his mind.   Vs 6 – Paid Leave.  He didn’t just ask to leave Susa…