Sermons on Book of Nehemiah

Sermons on Book of Nehemiah

Looking To The Future

Looking To The Future Nehemiah 7:1-73 The city walls were broken, the culture was broken, the government was broken, the temple was broken, It had been 141 years, nothing changed. And then all of a sudden God put his hand on one guy named Nehemiah, and gave him the call to go rebuild the city walls.  An impossible task.  But because God was in it, it got done.  And it got done in 52 short days, they did what could…

Greed and Generosity

Greed and Generosity Last week Nehemiah posted guards around the city to defend from his enemies, This week he deals with an even greater threat within the walls of the city.   Have you ever noticed that the greatest threats are always from within?  The greatest threat to the Israelites, (both before and after the exile) was their own sins.  Not some outside invader.  The greatest threat to Rome was from within.  The greatest threat to America is not Russia, or…