Sermons from November 2023

Sermons from November 2023

God Is In Control

Acts 4:23-31 The Roman Empire was the biggest, most prominent, powerful, prosperous nation in the history of the world. The citizens lived relatively lavish lifestyles. They had multiple religions, multiple spiritualities, multiple gods, multiple goddesses. Their values included tolerance and diversity. They had widespread sexual sin. Homosexuality was very popular. Bisexuality was very popular. Adultery within marriage was common. They also had child sacrifice where if they didn’t like the baby, they would kill it. Sound Familiar? Yeah they are…

No Other Name

Acts 4:1-22 Introduction Our country was founded on the principle that people of all religious creeds and backgrounds are welcome.  All religions are equally tolerated under the law.  But somewhere along the way, we seem to have adopted the belief that all religions should not only be tolerated, but also that they are all equally valid.  That there are many roads to heaven, and it doesn’t really matter which one you take as long as you are sincere. And One…

Repent or Reject?

Acts 3:11-26 Acts chapter 3 breaks neatly into 2 parts.  The Miracle (last week) – Peter and John heal a cripple.  and the Message (This week) Peter uses the opportunity to preach the gospel.  Same thing He did at Pentecost.  The text tells us that this guy was crippled from birth.  Think of his childhood. (watching others climb trees, build forts, play ball) He had none of that.  He was crippled from birth.  This wasn’t America where some people could…

In Jesus Name

Acts 3:1-10 We’re going to pick up where Pastor Brandon left off last week. He highlighted last week the New Testament church devotion was: 1. Devoted to the apostles teaching 2. Devoted to the fellowship 3. Devoted to prayer This week were going to see how this devotion leads to belief in Christ through physical healing. Summary – Peter and John – temple for prayer, lame man healed, praise and wonderment Today we’ll see Peter and John enter the temple…