Guest Speaker

Guest Speaker

Start with Prayer

Luke 6:12-16 Big Decision – Choosing the Apostles Jesus Asked for and Chose the Father’s Direction Apostles Started With Prayer Acts 1:12-14 Will you pray everyday about everything this week?

The Marks of a Godly Man

2 Timothy 2:1-8 A Godly man is: Invested in the lives of others. An Encourager. Knows where his power comes from. A Learner A Teacher Focused like a soldier Dedicated like an Athlete Diligent like a farmer Has his eyes fixed on Christ

Our Purpose In Life

Exodus 19:1-8 I. What God Has Done What He did to the Egyptians How He bore them on eagle’s wings Where He brought them, namely to Himself II. What God Requires 1 John 4:19 Ephesians 2:8-10 III. What God Promises A Personal Possession A Royal priesthood A Holy Nation 1 Peter 2:9-12 IV. How we respond to God    

How to Share Christ Effectively

Jesus never shared the Gospel the same way twice. Why? Start with felt need Ask Questions Jesus asked over 330 questions. What do we learn from this. Ask questions for a purpose. To understand their view of God and Truth To understand their view of who Jesus is To open a door to speak the Truth Jesus Heals a Paralytic Luke 5:12-14    

The Best Is Yet To Come

1 Peter 1:3-5 Remember your IDENTITY We are made ALIVE through Christ Possessors of a LIVING HOPE Remember your INHERITANCE The Nature of Our Inheritance We inherit God We inherit the Holy Spirit We inherit Salvation The Permanence of Our Inheritance